Welcome to

GenEx International School

The aim of GenEx International School is to provide the best education to its pupils we are Concerned to develop the qualities of integrity, honesty, trust, compassion and tolerance, to see That courage and honesty have their due reward and to promote a spirit of inquiry among the Pupil . Know More About Us

Niranjan Kr. Singh Director
Qualified Faculty

Qualified,Dedicated and Inspiring Faculty.

Furnished Classroom

Well Furnished and Maintained Classroom.

Smart Teaching

Audio , Visual & Play Way Method of teaching.

Child Aptitude

Predicting the Child Natural ability to do something.

Distinctive Features.

GenEx International School , Dhanbad

Learning Atmosphere
Creating English Atmosphere and providing quality education.
School Library
Our School is equipped with Library facility for our student.
Intensive Care
Personal and intensive care on slow learners.
Conducting Competitions
Conducting various competitions to inculcate in children a “seeking spirit”.
Computer Knowledge
Providing the basic of computer theory and practical knowledge.
Nurturing Minds
Shaping the mind of tiny tots and setting new standards.
Make An Appointment

GenEx International School

Get In Touch

0326 2952551

9905275344 , 9060443355


Kashiyantand , Bara Pichari,Dhanbad - 826004

Mon To Sun 10.00 AM - 6.00 PM